Sunday, October 12, 2008

Watch out. Kitty has a Blog.

I did it. I finally did it. Even though it was my idea months ago and Tabooda went ahead and made a blog like I asked him to, I put mine off until...uh...I felt like it. Until I was so bored, I had nothing else to do...I finally made a blog for *kitty*, CyberTrybe's co front person. Which is ME, of course. Depending on what day it is, what time of day it is, my mood or what mode I am in.

Actually, I am kitty all the time. Except, kitty's world isn't *normal* and it isn't *acceptable* for many situations or to many people. I take that back, there are many people who accept kitty for all her ways, her style, her ...wait...MY ways and MY style and MY life. But for the sake of some people, and even for myself, sometimes I have to lock kitty up. Sometimes as a time out, sometimes to save my sanity, sometimes to save others sanity, and sometimes for the protection of others...and yes...sometimes for the protection of myself.

For those of you who know me personally, you understand. For those of you who know nothing about me, just forget everything I just said and let me introduce myself!

HELLO! I am kitty, and I am the co front person/vocalists for the band CYBERTRYBE, the other being Tabooda, aka Sean Mooer. I took the name *kitty* many years ago when I formed my first band, Feed the Kitty. It seemed only natural to BE the kitty, and so it can be said that THEN kitty was born.

I met Sean Mooer Once Upon a Time, and on one horrible day he promised me he would help me put my band, FTK, back together ( fell apart, more than once). And he did. And in return, many (a few?) years later, I pretty much talked him into putting CyberTrybe back together. And then on another day, I decided that FTK needed to be put on hold (not put down) so that we could concentrate on CyberTrybe. juggling two bands at the time was robbing each band from what it needed. I sacrificed my baby for his.

Why would I do that, you ask? Because I BELIEVE in Sean Mooer, and I believe in his vision. I believe in CyberTrybe. I always have. I always will. CyberTrybe deserves that dedication, and Sean Mooer deserves that support. And it is time for CyberTrybe to be recognized!

I miss doing Feed the Kitty, and she has been put on hold a hell of a lot longer than I thought she would be. But I would give her up for Cybertrybe, and that is saying alot.

There is a big story about how the two tried to survive together, side by side. I won't get into that. But it does explain why our set list at present time has so many covers in it. We are STILL doing half CT and half FTK sets. For those of you who don't know, CyberTrybe is an original band with TWO official cover remakes ( we can put them on our CD's) Green Eyed Lady, which is on CyberTrybe's Album Trust In Myths, and White Rabbit, which will be on our new CD we are currently working on. Feed the Kitty is/was a cover band. And sometimes we jazzed them up (for lack of a better term). We *kitty-fied* them.

WHY? Why is it half and half right now? Because there were no new CyberTrybe songs that I could sing on, so I was added to the old ones. Making me, in my eyes, a back up singer. And of course my kitty ego was OK with that for a little while, but I felt like I was wasting my talent. I won't get into WHY it has gone on for this long, but I will say that it had everything to do with prior members and wasting time on them and then having new members catch up to where we left off. The solution was to add FTK songs that I sang lead on. We went through the FTK songlist and picked the ones that matched CyberTrybe's sound and image. They were never intended on being played in or for an original band.

So here we are today, knee deep in writing a new CD with me, kitty, as the co-lead/front person.
and things are kind of being brought to a halt again, but this time for wonderful reasons. BIGGER GIGS. Gigs we cannot say no to, or would be foolish to say no to.

You can read about all of that in the official CYBERTRYBE BLOG.

Until next time...


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